A few item to let go...
1. Pouch sling beli dr Patchmama -----> RM 35 RM 30, anyone interested???( bought at RM 50). It's a 2-way sling, maksudnye boleh guna 2 belah kain, belah corak or plain tu...kainnye sangat sejuk....trust me....
2.Phytonatal pill from NonaRoguy ----->RM 120 RM 100 SOLD, anyone interested??? (only consumed 30 pills, still left 150 pills, bought at RM 180).

boleh nampak tak expired date tu?ni lah bahana pakai kamera hp je expired Feb 2011 tau..lambat lagi....
2.Phytonatal pill from NonaRoguy ----->

boleh nampak tak expired date tu?
3. Supplementary nursing system (SNS)-----> RM 100 (bought at RM 180, ini for those yang nak re-lactating or try nak menyusu anak angkat, nak tahu lebih lanjut, kat sini)
4. Lolipop nursing pillow --------> RM 40 + shipping cost RM 15 , bought at RM 69.90 (kalau duduk area Serdang, Bangi, BB Bangi, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Dengkil, BB Nilai, seri kembangan (Equine Park) or Bukit Jalil, boleh by hand, nny saya kan pulang balik yg RM 15 tu ok.
Berminat? email me at sriledang@yahoo.com.
Harga tak termasuk shipping cost ek....
Sila baca T n C kat bawah sebelum beli, tq.
Sila baca T n C kat bawah sebelum beli, tq.
- oh! Serious buyers only yang akan dilayan....
- first come first serve basis.
- Prices are not including shipping and handling, unless otherwise stated.
- Payment must be made to my CIMB account before items can be delivered.
- Reservation only 3 days, if nak reserve lebih lama, sila bayar 50%. Any cancellation will no be refund.
- Good sold are not returnable or refundable.
- Please allow 2-5 days for delivery (excluding weekends & public holidays)
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